Understanding that your sales prospects really don’t care about your product or service is what will help you moves from the bottom of the sales ladder the top, says Marc Wayshak, a sales strategist and author.
Writing in Entrepreneur, Wayshak says all your sales prospects really care about is THEIR challenges and how YOU can solve them. Wayshak reckons the starting point is asking more questions.
1. Find out what motivates prospects
You can craft a solution once you know WHAT your prospect wants to invest in. So you need to know what key challenges motivate them. Ask your prospects questions to discover their deepest frustrations first.
2. Disqualify prospects and save time
Aksing the right questions right away helps you to disqualify prospect. When you don't disqualify, you waste time and energy chasing down prospects you’ll never, ever close.
3. Don’t sabotage your sale
If you talk too much about yourself, your products and your services, you could actually sabotage your sale. Ask the prospects searching questions, rather, and save yourself from self-sabotage.
4. Connect with better prospects
Asking genuine and caring questions is the number one way to build trust with anyone, including prospects. And connecting with them will help you close that sale. You have to build trust as well as rapport.
5. Craft unique presentations
Asking lots of questions delivers lots of information which you can then use to craft compelling presentations for your prospects. If you simply jump into a sales presentation before asking the right questions, your entire presentation may be totally off base.
Source: Entrepreneur. For full story, read 5 Reasons to Ask Sales Prospects More Questions.