Firstly, look for problems

Some of the most popular apps are a result of a problem being solved. Start observing how you go about things in your daily life. Observe other people too. See how they struggle with a task. See how you struggle with a task and whether there’s a better way to do it.

Observe on a daily basis and try to note at least one problem each day. Slowly, as time progresses, you’ll start to get better at observing real world problems that don’t have a solid solution. That will be your cue to explore an app to help.

Secondly, exploit your skill sets.

What skill sets do you have that can be leveraged to scale into a big business? List your top five skills, strengths and interests. Write down five business ideas for each of those skills, strengths and interests. For instance, if one of your skills is writing, write down 5 possible business ideas - agency providing writing services, on demand app for writers and people that want to hire them, etc.

Look for the one that excites the most and has little or no competition in the market. This market can be just your city or state. Don’t think too big on day one. 

Thirdly, find apps with downloads but no updates

Now, I’m going to show you a strategy to find an app idea by looking outwards.

Search for apps in the app stores that aren’t getting updated anymore. To find these forgotten apps, use Google Play or the App Store search to see the rankings for the most updated and popular apps in the category or area of your interest - fitness, social networking, productivity, etc.

Ignore the first three to four pages of search results where the most successful ones show up. These are the ones with maximum downloads and regular updates. Instead, start on page five, looking for apps that haven’t received an update in the last year, but still get downloaded. The appreneur gave them up! 

Source: Read the full story here:


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