Dear Businessman

Over the past years business has become harder and harder to do. Almost everyone you know is starting a business or closing a business. While it is possible to succeed in business, the question of how is a complex one and there is no definite one answer to it. However there are some universal basics that the average Joe turned business human being can benefit from knowing and applying:

Purpose: Why are you here?

As an entrepreneur, your personal life and business life are interconnected. Too often, because of pressure, we uproot ourselves from environments where we have the most influence through our purpose. If you have to struggle really hard trying to make it, always working on a loss, frustrated and stressed chances are you are just in it just to make money. You have left your place of influence, and everyday feels like pulling teeth. On the flip side, if you do something that resonates deep within you, the stressful days will be easier to deal with and (financial) success will find you on the way. Move away from survival instinct to fulfillment instinct

Remain in your place of purpose and influence, If you take a fish out of the sea, its place of purpose, influence and growth, it will eventually die. There is a reason why you won’t see fish swimming in the sky and birds flying in the sea. Be true to your purpose,

Always be ready

Being and getting are two different things. Getting ready implies a process, and being ready is a state.

As young South African business people, It’s sad to know that when opportunity eventually comes our way, we are not 100% prepared. Often times, it’s only then that we start running around to set our affairs in order. Assuming that your business plan is already in place and is very clear to you, Make sure paperwork, resources, and skills are ready and up to date at all times. “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.”- Zig Ziglar.


We have this assumption that if we register a business, print business cards, and dress up then business will come running to you. Unfortunately it’s not the case. One statement that we hear often goes something like, “Whenever you get frustrated with yourself remember that it takes 13 hours to build a Toyota and six months to build a Rolls-Royce.”

The implication is that if you want to achieve big goals and develop yourself in significant ways, it will take time.

In the process, take action

It’s not enough to have empty faith and hope that everything will work out. You can’t just present one quotation, apply for one tender or project and sit back.  Are there any other ways of getting the work your business needs? Hustle. And when doors close or refuse to open, knock on new ones, look for windows, but don’t roll over and die. It’s a tough road, but one worth the trip

While taking action,show up

No matter the circumstance, situation in your business and personal life, you need to show up. Showing up means that you don’t make your personal problems your client’s problems.. Show up and deliver with integrity.  Remember, your reputation precedes you.

While presenting yourself as the best in your business, Make sure you can do what you say you can do; exaggerating your abilities without back-up will just set you up for failure.



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