Here are his five top tips. 

1. Get up early

Getting up early is often associated with successful people, a study has found. If you rise early, you can “start the day on your own terms - before everyone else makes their demands”.

2. Breakfast be good

Rather than dashing out of the house with coffee in hand or skipping breakfast altogether, spend a few minutes enjoying that first meal. Dilbert Creator Scott Adams enjoys a nutrition bar and coffee,while Margaret Thatcher was known to enjoy coffee and half a grapefruit each morning. Eating the same thing each day can make this habit an easy commitment.

3. Make each day matter

While you do not have to write down your every move, a daily plan gives you a sense of direction and accomplishment when you knock out the day's goals. Steve Jobs started each day by looking in the mirror and asking, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do with my day?” If he answered “no” too often, that was a sign that something needed to change.

4. Activate yourself!

Former U.S. Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice starts her day with a 4:30 a.m. cardio workout on the treadmill or elliptical, while Tumblr Founder Tim Karp walks to his Manhattan office each day. Morning is a not only a great time to exercise before you can procrastinate, but it can lift your mood and help you manage stress.

5. Appreciate

Spend a few minutes being thankful. Oprah Winfrey takes time to appreciates the birds singing and the sun coming up. Every morning Actor Will Arnett makes a list of 10 things he is grateful for, starting with his kids.

De Haaff says, “You may not ever become a true morning person. But with the help of a morning ritual, you can get more out of each day.


Source: Entrepreneur. For full story, read 5 Morning Rituals to Make Each Day Happier and More Productive

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